Brow Beat

The Honest Trailer for the 2016 Emmy Nominees Gives All Your Favorite Shows New Titles

For the most part, the new Honest Trailer for the upcoming Emmy Awards is an exercise in punning. While normally tasked with spoofing a single film or series, Screen Junkies went after the entire slate of nominees for Best Drama and Best Comedy this time around, briefly introducing each before landing on a clever, admittedly obvious alt-title. Which prestige drama features Russian spies trying to take down America “by any wigs necessary”? What dark Netflix comedy amounts to a “wacky Room”? And which cyberpunk thriller can be far-too-accurately summed up as Byte Club? (Plus, what’s with these political shows getting one-upped by reality?)

There’s also the matter of Honest Trailers itself, which is a first-time Emmy nominee this year. The video closes with some self-promotion that’s “honest enough to pander directly to you,” though really, the whole thing could easily be construed as some strange, reverse-engineered For Your Consideration reel.