Brow Beat

“This Is Fine” Dog Would Like to Offer an Important Corrective to His Previous Statements

Just in time for Wednesday’s news, the creator of the original “This Is Fine” dog, K.C. Green, has published an updated version of the comic.

KC Green

I asked Green what inspired him to draw this reimagined version:

We can’t ignore it anymore. The more and more I see the news of the day, and the worse it gets, the more a person can’t just stuff it down and ignore what’s happening. It’s really fucked out there. It’s plain ridiculous. And it just starts to drive a person crazy. The same kind of person would originally ignore it at first, which I will admit I’d be that type of person. So a breaking point happens. It was very cathartic to draw those freaking out panels. I know it’s not a lot, but it’s something.

Read the whole comic over at the Nib. If all else fails, I guess there’s always the “This Is Fine” dog plush doll?