Brow Beat

Moriarty May or May Not Be Back in the Trailer for Sherlock Season 4

Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes.
Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes.

Still taken from the video

It’s the mystery that’s been plaguing Sherlock fans since 2012: Will James Moriarty, Holmes’ most notorious antagonist, rise from the dead? A new trailer for Season 4 of the crime drama teases the villain’s possible return in what looks like the show’s darkest season yet. Meanwhile, the cast gains a new villain in Toby Jones, who is rumored to be playing Culverton Smith, of the 1913 story “The Adventure of the Dying Detective.”

Moriarty shot himself in the head at the end of Sherlock’s Season 2 finale, making his death seem pretty unambiguous—but then, Sherlock managed to fake his own death pretty convincingly in that same episode. The show’s New Year’s special, “The Abominable Bride,” was even more mysterious, with Moriarty returning, in a dreamlike setting, with a promise to cause a little posthumous mayhem.

“Of course Moriarty is dead,” concluded Sherlock from the events of that episode. “And I know exactly what he’s going to do next.” The rest of us, however, will have to wait until Sherlock makes its return to PBS in 2017.