Brow Beat

SNL’s Michael Che Went Looking for Something Rarer Than Pokémon at the RNC: Minorities

Michael Che of Saturday Night Live is covering the Republican National Convention this week, and he may also have just launched the best Pokémon Go parody yet, Trumpémon Go. Che pointed out the upsetting—but by no means surprising—lack of diversity at the convention by going on the hunt for something even more elusive than a Vaporeon: minorities at the RNC.

Phone in hand and Ash Ketchum–esque snapback on his head, Che made his way through the convention center to, as Donald Trump might say, “round up some brown people,” tossing virtual Pokéballs at such rare finds as “Old Black Dude” and “Asian Man.” And while he did spot a few, his point was made: There just aren’t many people of color in attendance. Wonder why that might be.

What did other attendees think of the game? One woman said she thought she saw “some, I guess, Hawaiians” earlier, while another man just walked away. The worst, though, was a white attendee mistaking Che for his SNL colleague Jay Pharoah. Yikes.