Brow Beat

Fran Kranz Joins a Creepy Cult in the Trailer for Netflix’s Rebirth

Netflix has a multi-tiered strategy for moving into the film business: high-profile festival acquisitions, smaller Netflix Original films, and Adam Sandler. Rebirth falls into the middle category, a low-budget indie developed in-house with writer and director Karl Mueller. Now, just four days before its Netflix release, the first trailer is here. The film looks like it follows a pretty straight path from Fight Club to The Game to Going Clear. Fran Kranz is sleepwalking through a blue-tinted office nightmare when wild man Adam Goldberg appears to pitch him a profound life experience, which turns out to be the sort of thing that advertises with extremely cheesy videos. Before you know it, he’s off to an encounter group in what appears to be an abandoned building, which is always a good sign when it comes to spiritual growth.

Whatever the shadowy organization Rebirth is, one thing’s for sure: It’s not a cult. You can tell it’s not a cult from all the members chanting “Not a cult!” in unison. Will Kranz discover a disreputable secret behind the encounter group, or will it turn out to be a completely legitimate self-improvement program? Where do Adam Goldberg and Nicky Whelan fit in? All will be made clear on Friday, streaming on Netflix or at your local Rebirth center. You can leave anytime!