Brow Beat

Watch Eurovision Use the Power of Science to Craft the Ultimate Eurovision Song

For the most part, the funniest things in Eurovision 2016 weren’t necessarily designed to be funny, but there was one amazing exception. In the spirit of Komar & Melamid’s scientifically engineered “Most Unwanted Song”—designed to incorporate as many of the least-popular musical elements as possible—Eurovision analyzed the last 60 years of winners, searching for common themes and techniques. Then they used them to Frankenstein together the ultimate Eurovision song and performance.

So what elements make up a surefire Eurovision winner? Battle horns, shirtless drummers, obscure ethnic instruments, and above all, relatable lyrics, like songs about love, or peace, or ideally both. Also a man doing tricks in a giant hamster wheel. So behold the great and terrible beauty of “Love Love Peace Peace,” the ur-Eurovision song. Science is awesome