Brow Beat

Watch Nick Offerman Read Some of Reddit’s Funniest Shower Thoughts

“My right elbow has never been touched by my right hand.” Swanson shares his shower thoughts.

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It’s hard to tell where Nick Offerman ends and Ron Swanson begins, but it’s inarguable that both the comedian and his Parks and Recreation alter-ego have a knack for kooky aphorism. That ability has been put to excellent use in a new Mashable video, which has Offerman read some of Reddit’s shower thoughts in all his gruff, manly, deadpan glory.

Offerman’s trademark growl and gravitas make these pseudo-profound thoughts seem a tad more insightful, with some coming off as a Jack Handey joke or a Zen koan. After all, we technically are all half-centaur, right? Enjoy.