Brow Beat

20 Foods You Didn’t Know You Could Freeze

People tend to be more tentative about putting food in the freezer than they are about putting food in the refrigerator or pantry. This may be because freezing makes food solid and odorless, and so we lose our primary methods of determining whether something is good to eat or has gone bad. (The way to find out, by the way, is to thaw it and then subject it to your usual eyeing, sniffing, and prodding.)

But many more foods can be frozen than just the ice cream, pizza, and steak currently occupying your freezer. (Or whatever it is that’s currently occupying your freezer—I’m not a psychic.) Check out the above video for 20 different ingredients you might not have thought to freeze. (And for the source of that “suspended animation” bit, plus more freezing tips, read my former boss Mark Bittman’s take on the matter in the New York Times.)