Brow Beat

Peter Jackson’s Time on Middle-Earth Ends With The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Gandalf and the gang are back.

© 2014 Warner Bros. Pictures

Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy, while not as critically acclaimed as his Lord of the Rings films, has nonetheless yielded huge box-office numbers. The third and final installment, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, released its first trailer today, and it looks like another crowd-pleaser: Bilbo and his gang are back to fight a fittingly epic battle that will, predictably, determine the fate of Middle-earth.

The film covers the concluding portions of The Hobbit—wherein the dwarves, elves, and men unite to fight goblins and other forces of evil—while also incorporating material from the Lord of the Rings appendices. The trailer touts the film as the “defining” chapter of Jackson’s Middle-earth saga, which is up for debate—it will, however, probably be the last, at least until the seven-part Silmarillion adaptation is announced.