Brow Beat

The Beyoncélogues: Beyoncé Songs Sound Even Better as Dramatic Monologues

To Beyoncé, or not to Beyoncé.

Still from YouTube

It’s impossible to do what Beyoncé does, as she does it. For one, she’s a prodigiously talented vocalist, so it’s no surprise that when actress Nina Millin attempted to sing some of her songs at karaoke, she failed in spectacular fashion. Her solution: perform the songs not as pop numbers but as dramatic monologues.

The result is brilliant. This idea could have easily veered into gimmick, but Millin truly shines—her impassioned, Shakespearean delivery imbues Queen B’s lyrics with heightened gravitas, nuance, and import. You can watch her performances below.


“If I Were a Boy”:  


(via Jezebel.)