Brow Beat

Please Don’t Frak up the Battlestar Galactica Movie

When word broke that Universal was breathing life back into the long-rumored film version of the beloved sci-fi franchise Battlestar Galactica, we got excited. Then we got worried. According to the trades, original series creator Glen Larson is on board as executive producer, with Transcendence writer Jack Paglen signed on to write the script, for what Universal is describing as a “complete reimagining of the story.” 

The reboot of Battlestar remains criminally under-appreciated, and if you put Starbuck, Adama, and President Roslin on the big screen, well, say no more: We’re in. But the strength of BSG was in its subleties and its cultural commentary, not its dogfights or its special effects. The possibility that Hollywood will royally frak the whole thing up seems very real.

With that in mind, we put together a video to remind Universal what was great about Battlestar Galactica, in the hopes that they might not turn the movie into a big, dumb action flick. So say we all.

(Oh, and just in case you were curious: Yes, there are obviously spoilers in this video.)