Andrew Garfield on Saturday Night Live: The Spider-Man actor disrespects Beyonce and learns how to kiss while hosting SNL.

Andrew Garfield Disses Beyoncé, Learns How to Kiss Emma Stone on SNL

Andrew Garfield Disses Beyoncé, Learns How to Kiss Emma Stone on SNL

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Slate's Culture Blog
May 4 2014 11:33 AM

Andrew Garfield Disses Beyoncé, Learns How to Kiss Emma Stone on SNL

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone have a tough time making out.

Still from YouTube

Last night, in conjunction with this weekend's release of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, web-slinger Andrew Garfield hosted Saturday Night Live. The show had its weak spots due to a few hit-and-miss skits, but two bits delivered the laughs.

One had Garfield play the lead in faux-movie The Beygency, a thriller in which Garfield's character off-handedly remarks that he's "not a huge fan of that one Drunk in Love song." A high-octane manhunt for the Beyoncé hater follows.


The other highlight, and best skit of the night, had Garfield and Emma Stone—his girlfriend and Spider-Man co-star—grappling with how to best execute a romantic scene. It's a nice bit of physical comedy, with the couple showing some comic chemistry as they attempt to lick each other's face off ("How do normal people kiss?" wonders Garfield at one point). Chris Martin eventually joins to give them some pointers.

Sharan Shetty is on the editorial staff of the New Yorker. You can follow him on Twitter