Brow Beat

Seinfeld and Arcade Fire Are Oddly Perfect Together

@Seinfeld2000, the spelling-averse Twitter parody account that is never to be confused with @SeinfeldToday, has been remarkably successful at spreading into other media. Now, in addition to its BuzzFeed articles, YouTube videos, music criticismserialized novel, and “guided journeys through your imageination,” @Seinfeld2000 has decided to make a music video of its own.

It’s edited from Seinfeld, of course, and specifically from the Season 7-spanning saga of George and Susan (or, here, “Garge” and “Suzette”), which is retold in full to the tune of Reflektor highlight “Here Comes the Night Time.” I can’t really explain why it works so well. Is it the tempo-shifting, on-again-off-again structure of the song, which is an oddly poignant match for Garge and Suzette’s on-again-off-again relationship? Is it just refreshing to see something undercut Arcade Fire’s self-seriousness? (Previously, they had streamed this song over Black Orpheus.) Maybe it’s a little of both, but I haven’t enjoyed any other Reflektor music video quite this much.