Brow Beat

A “Viral Video” Promo That Has Actually Gone Viral

As a culture blogger, you’re constantly inundated with “viral video” promos for things—that is, ads that are just trying to make memes happen, but which almost never actually go viral. There are too many to count—here are a few hundred—but for a few recent examples you can see “viral videos” for Oldboy, Kick Ass 2, The Incredible Burt Wonderstone, and Planes. (Or you could be like everyone else and not see them, because they’re not worth your time.)

Which is why it’s so surprising to see this promo for the new Carrie remake actually go viral, bringing an ad for the movie to millions of viewers (3.7 million pairs of eyes, so far) without the studio having to pay for any airtime. The only downside to all this (the video itself is pretty entertaining) is that we should all now brace ourselves for even more “viral videos.”