Brow Beat

The Best Arrested Development Gags: A Supercut

Are these the 18 best running jokes from Arrested Development? (For research purposes, you may want to consult the website Recurring Developments and NPR’s insanely detailed infographic of recurring gags.)

1. “No touching.”

2. “Her?”

3. Gob’s terrible illusions.*

4. Annyong.

5. The Charlie Brown woe-is-me walk.

6. The chicken dance.

7. “Come on!”

8. “I’ve made a huge mistake.”

9. “Steve Holt!”

10. Gene Parmesan’s surprise appearances.

11. “That was a freebie.”

12. “I’m a monster!”

13. “That’s why you always leave a note.”

14. The doctor’s confusing declarations.

15. “You’re gonna get some hop-ons.”

16. Tobias Fünke’s homoerotic double entendres.

17. “You gotta put family first.”

18. Kitty lifts her shirt.

*Correction, May 20, 2013: This post orginally referred to Gob’s “tricks.” They’re illusions. Also, his name was misspelled.