Brow Beat

“Luke, I Am Your Father. No, Really.”

A still from the video


When Disney paid $4 billion for, essentially, the rights to the Star Wars franchise—they actually bought Lucasfilm, but that franchise was the major attraction—one of the primary questions people raised was whether Luke and Han and Chewie and Vader meant much to kids who not only weren’t around for the original trilogy, but weren’t even around for the second, much less beloved set of films.

Videos like the one below probably have the folks at Disney feeling secure in their investment. Apparently, the kid with the green light saber requested “a Star Wars party so he could be Luke and fight Darth Vader” on his birthday. According to his mother, who sent the video to the Welcome Home Blog, the aspiring Luke had not seen his dad, a U.S. Navy Sailor, for about three months. I suspect he will remain interested in Star Wars for a long time to come. Happy belated Veterans Day.
