Wes Anderson’s Star Wars: Episode VII: Watch audition tape, via Conan. (VIDEO)

Watch Wes Anderson’s Star Wars: Episode VII

Watch Wes Anderson’s Star Wars: Episode VII

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Brow Beat
Slate's Culture Blog
Nov. 9 2012 12:03 PM

Wes Anderson’s Star Wars: Episode VII

A still from Conan

Brow Beat is on record against the hiring of Christopher Nolan to direct Star Wars: Episode VII, despite his obvious talents. But what about Wes Anderson? Perhaps tackling an epic franchise set in a galaxy far away would broaden his scope, and he would bring a new, unexpectedly emotional and yet lighthearted touch to the occasionally wooden sci-fi series.

OK, it’s a terrible idea that will never happen. But this imagining of it, courtesy of Conan, is pretty fun. And at least Han shoots first.

David Haglund is the literary editor of NewYorker.com.