Brow Beat

Did You See This? Mad Men Sings Rick Astley

Lane Pryce (Jared Harris) in Mad Men

Lane Pryce (Jared Harris) gets into the spirit on Mad Men.

Jordin Althaus/AMC.

Back in January, we noted what seemed to be the first instance of a new kind of viral video. Since then, these karaoke compilations, assembled from one-word movie and TV clips, have sprouted up all over the Web.

This new video, in which the cast of Mad Men give you the world’s most meticulously costumed Rickroll, is one of the finest examples yet.* It also serves as a wonderful way to hold over any fans languishing between seasons. If you’re missing all your favorite Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce friends and family, this loving rendition may help reassure you that they’ll be back soon enough.

*This post originally suggested that Mad Men is a period drama of the 1950s. It is, of course, set in the 1960s.