Brow Beat

Did You See This? “Countdown” with Snuggies

Still from YouTube.

Fan recreations of their favorite stars’ music videos are nothing new, but it’s not very often that they’re as engaging and spot-on as this young performer’s interpretation of Beyoncé’s visually stunning “Countdown.”

Wrapped, fabulously, in a Cookie Monster-blue Snuggie, the performer—who looks like he’s not quite out of high school—has crafted an impressive shot-for-shot remake of the pop star’s video. The editing (far superior to that of the average YouTube user) mimics the quick cuts, split-screen shots, and colorful assault of the original “Countdown,” transforming makeshift performance spaces like his basement into venues for visual splendor. And while he may not be able to hire a troupe of dancers to back him up, he can get one trusty friend to represent them all, by rolling around eagerly on the floor. His attention to detail is fascinating.

Lest you accuse him of pulling a mere Gus Van Sant, note how his facial expressions and natural grace are enough to both emulate Beyoncé and make her moves his own. The diva herself seems to agree: As she wrote on her blog, “I think he did this video better than I did.”