Brow Beat

Did You See This? “Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up” (feat. Eminem)

A still from “Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up”

Back in January, we flagged a viral video in which lines from various Hollywood movies were spliced together to make the Lionel Richie song “Hello.” In the comments, De Cosmos wrote: “Anyone that talented at taking audio out of context should have a bright future making campaign ads. I wonder if they could do something with ‘I like to fire people.’”

Well, someone in Australia had the same thought (or perhaps he reads Brow Beat comments). Hugh Atkin has created the best political video of the season by splicing together Mitt Romney quotes and scoring them to “The Real Slim Shady.”* Barack Obama provides the chorus. Enjoy. (Via BuzzFeed.)

* This post originally misspelled Hugh Atkin’s last name.