Brow Beat

This Picture Is Worth 20 Words: July 21, 2011

Welcome to week two of Slate’s caption contest. All we’re going to tell you about this image is that the hole shown is 10 meters wide.

Post your captions—20 words or fewer—in the comments section. 

Last Week’s Contest:

The winner: Ed
I’d rather drown myself than live on a planet without News of the World.
The runner-up: Karolyn Hipple
Swimming with the Bulls—the low impact exercise for aging Pamplonans.

What was actually going on:
Contrary to many reader’s suspicions, the photo was NOT Photoshopped. In fact, the bizarre image was taken at the Bous a la Mar (Bulls to the Sea) festival in Denia, Spain, on July 14. A key ritual at the festival involves chasing bulls into the sea, then capturing them with lassos and bringing them back to land on small boats. The festival is held to honor the Santisima Sangre and commemorate the monk Pedro Esteve, who is said to have saved the coastal town of Denia from a plague in 1633. Credit: Jasper Juinen/Getty Images