Brow Beat

Highlights from the 2011 Moby Awards for Book Trailers

Last night, the second annual Moby Awards for the best(and worst) book trailers was held at Powerhouse Arena in Brooklyn and onceagain, Slate ‘s Troy Patterson, who assessed the genre in 2009 , was onthe judging panel.

For those of us who weren’t able to attend, we asked Troyfor a highlight reel of the night’s events. (See the full list of this year’s “goldensperm whale” winners here .)

Mary Roach’s videofor Packing for Mars won for besttrailer from a big house. Troy calls it “pretty much perfect.”

Ron Charles won thelifetime achievement award for his “TotallyHip Video Book Review” series on the WashingtonPost . His acceptance speech videowas “amazing,” says Troy. “He and semi-doppleganger Colbert need to worktogether.”

“I thought Sloane [Crosley]’svideo deserved to win in its category [’book trailer as standalone art object’],but also I voted for her on theprinciple that this award should work like all other literary awards, and thatjudges should vote for people they personally like.”

“Please note that [Jonathan Safran] Foer whose awful Eating Animals trailer won a Worst award last year (andwas, I think, an inspiration for the event) vindicated himself this year.” Foerwon for best trailer from a small house, for his Treeof Codes video.

“Please note that theprize is a Toys ‘R Us beluga whale spray-painted gold.”

“I think there’s an opportunity to mashup Franzen’svideo with the onefor It’s a Book .”

Laura Miller ,among others, was disappointed that this didn’t win anything”:

“I was mildlydisappointed that Franco beat out Dennis Leary in the celeb category.”

And finally, Troy suggests you “amuseyourself amuse yourself with this runner-up in the worst small/no housecategory”:

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