Brow Beat

Notable Quotables from Charlie Sheen and His Saber

It seems themorning talk shows just weren’t enough for him Charlie Sheen went liveon this afternoon to bring his particular brand of bananas straightto the masses.

Among the best quotes of theamazingly untrammeled interview:

“Sorry my life is so much morebitchin’ than yours. I planned it that way.”

“White gold? Boom.”

“Resentments … arethe rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my saber.”

“I  don’t have burnoutmy gearbox. I just go.”

“Don’t do drugs … that are just supposed to beadministered in a hospital at home.”

“Everything after but is dial tone.”

“Aluminum bat? So what, I’m an actor, I don’t want to havesore hands.”

“Read behind the frickin’ hieroglyphics…this iscryptology.”

“Did you say Cancun or caboose? I don’t know, I was in ablackout, man.”

“Every plan I have isthe best plan in the room.”

“Whatever part I had in this, I sincerely apologize for. WhateverI can fix, I guarantee I will.”

[ Note : This was a rush transcript, so let us know if we misheard anything.] 

What did we miss? Let us know in the comments.

Update, Mar. 1 : On the topic of hieroglyphics and cryptology, these were Sheen’s exact words:

“If people could just read behind the hieroglyphic … if they could put their cryptology frickin’ hat on just for two seconds.” 

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