Brow Beat

Tina Fey Suggests a Movie We’d Like to See

Another week, another off-the-rack romantic comedy with an annoyingly vague title: This Friday is the opening of Just Go With It , starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. (Tagline: “Sometimes a guy’s best wingman… is a wingwoman.”) Sigh.

But here’s a romantic comedy I really want to see, courtesy of Tina Fey’s new New Yorker essay about being a working mom. Here, Fey writes about struggling with the question of whether to keep working (so she can “get to a place where I can create opportunities” for other women thanks Tina!) or take a few years off to have a second child while she can. “These are the baby-versus-work life questions that keep me up at night,” she says:

There’s another great movie idea! “Baby Versus Work”: A hardworking baby looking for love (Kate Hudson) falls for a handsome pile of papers (Hugh Grant). I would play the ghost of a Victorian poetess who anachronistically tells Kate to “go for it.”

Another movie I’d like to see Tina Fey make: A science-fiction film about a beautiful woman who wakes up one morning with a pair of meaty man-hands . (Seriously, I can’t stop staring at that book cover, even though it makes me kind of ill.)