Bad Astronomy

Moon balloon

Last Tuesday was back-to-school day for TLA*. On that day we got up early for the first time in a long time, prepped her, and with remarkably little fuss got her sent out the door.

… only to have her banging on the door literally ten seconds later. Figuring we had forgotten something, Mrs. BA and I opened the door, whereupon TLA said “Come see this!”

We went outside, and this is what we saw:

[Click to hotairinflatenate.]

I ran back inside to grab my camera, and there ya go. We get lots of hot air balloons around here – the view of the foothills and Rockies must be stunning from up there – but I’ve never had such a perfectly framed shot like this one before.

Sometimes I like to use pictures like this as an excuse to talk about science – adiabatic expansion would fit here, or perspective and distance – but you know what? I think this is fine pretty much as it is.

* The Little Astronomer, who’s not so little anymore.

Decidedly not her real name, either.

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