Summer solstice 2011

Summer solstice 2011

Summer solstice 2011

Bad Astronomy
The entire universe in blog form
June 21 2011 6:30 AM

Summer solstice 2011

Today, June 21, 2001, at 17:16 UTC (1:16 p.m. Eastern US time), the Sun will reach its peak in its northward travels this year. This moment is the summer solstice -- I describe this in detail in an earlier post. Technically, that article is for the winter solstice, but the idea's the same. Just replace "winter" with "summer" and "December" with "June" and "south" with "north". That should be clear enough. It might be easier just to multiply the entire article by -1. Or stand on your head.

Since for the majority of people on the planet this day marks the start (or more commonly the midpoint) of summer, enjoy the gallery below that shows our nearest star doing what it does best: giving us light, giving us beauty, and sometimes, blowing its top.


Use the thumbnails and arrows to browse, and click on the images to go through to blog posts with more details and descriptions.