Bad Astronomy

Astro Noms

Steve DeGroof over at MadArtLabs (who brought us Felicia Day as a counterexample to homeopathy) has knocked another one out of the park: Astronom Os!

My love for geeky breakfast cereal is a matter of record, so it’s no surprise that I would totally eat Astronom Os. And I would do the connect-the-dots game on the back too; the Big Dipper would be helpful in pouring the milk.

I would also be happy to help market these. As for a slogan, that’s easy: “Astonom Os: breakfast of the stars!”

Or, “Contains elements forged in the fires of a supernova!”

Or, “Get your RDA of the most stable nuclide!”

Or, “Not Taurus, Torus!”

Or, “Retains low ductility for statistically significant durations even when submersed in lactic liquids!”

That last one will sell 106s of boxes.