Bad Astronomy

100 years of International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day. In fact, it’s the 100th anniversary of this idea becoming a reality, which is nice. A lot of progress has been made in the past century, and, of course, there’s much yet to accomplish.

A couple of years ago, I wrote on this topic and to be honest there’s not much I would change in that post today. In fact, I strongly stand by what I wrote back then, especially this part:

I am something of a moral relativist; I know that cultures differ, and what is art in one place would be a grave insult in another. That’s OK, because people are different.

But if you take half your population and relegate it to second class, forbid them from learning, don’t let them participate fully in society, then there is no relativism in my book. You’re wrong, and you’re stupid.

There’s a video going around right now featuring Judith Dench and Daniel Craig. I think it’s pretty good, and I love the fact they chose these two actors; in the James Bond movies she’s his boss, in a position of authority in the government.

I think I’ll just leave you with that.