Bad Astronomy

Blastr: Other than that, Spock, how was the movie?

I write a (more or less) monthly column for Blastr, the SyFy channel’s portal for science fiction, fact, and speculation. My articles deal with the science of science fiction, and in that vein my latest is the Top Five astronomy screwups in movies that should’ve known better.

I know, that might seem like an impossible choice, which is why I added that last bit. Picking the five worst mistakes would look like this:

5) Armageddon
4) Armageddon
3) Armageddon
2) Armageddon, and
1) Armageddon

(and I’m not sure there exist enough integers to cover all of that movie’s mistakes).

So I modified it by picking movies that really shouldn’t have made the gaffes in the first place. My number one pick was a mistake that really, in the scheme of things, wasn’t so bad, but given the movie itself… well, you’ll just have to go over there and read it for yourself.

And I know my audience: there’s probably not a single person on the planet who agrees with me on the list, whether it’s the choices or the order. Love it? Hate it? Leave a comment, and maybe I’ll do another article: “Movies That Should’ve Known Better, 6 - 10”.

Related posts:

- Blastr: I was a zombie for science
- Big budget movies that got their science right
- Master of Blastr