Bad Astronomy

I should be writing. Or interviewing.

murlafferty_me_DC2009My pal Mur Lafferty is a multi-purpose machine: she writes superhero stories (Playing for Keeps is a lot of fun), she blogs, and she podcasts.

In fact, in her latest ‘cast for I Should Be Writing she interviews me! We talk a little about death and destruction from the heavens, but we also chat about writing itself. I give some useless advice on the topic, basically telling people what I went through to become the god of media that I am today – obviously, my advice on this should be suspect – as well as some rules of thumb I adhere to. Actually, one that’s serious is that if it ain’t working, it’s OK to walk away for a while. As long as it’s just for a little while.

I hope you enjoy that interview. And if you did (and really, even if you didn’t) you can always check out this interview of Paul and Storm at Geek Mom. That’s a fun one too, though more about music than writing, and with two nerds instead of one. Unless you count Mur as a nerd, in which case we’re even.