Bad Astronomy

Wacky astrologer is wacky

Terry Nazon is a professional astrologer. That really tells you right away most of what you need to know: she’s wrong, because her whole profession is based on misinterpretation, bad science, and human fallacy. Astrology doesn’t work.

Oddly, astrologers tend to flip out when you mention that to them (and they really freak when you go into details, as I did in that link above). They claim you don’t understand astrology, you’re in denial, and that besides, their flavor of astrology is The One True Flavor. Of course, when you ask for actual specifics, they lapse into goobledygook, spin, and anecdotes.

So I was not surprised at all to get an email from my friend, astronomer and nonsense-debunker Stuart Robbins, claiming he was getting threats from Ms. Nazon. He had the audacity to apply a little logic and reason to her claims (and it really only takes a little) and prove them to be totally wrong. You can read his reports here, here, and here.

What happened next, according to Stuart, is that she went on the attack. You can read all about it on Stuart’s site as well as a followup he posted. I’d say they were amusing, but I’ve been on the receiving end of such nonsense in the past, and it’s at best tiresome, and at worst very unsettling. While I’m sure her attacks are full of sound and fury – signifying nothing – things like that are a nuisance. It’s like having a cloud of non-biting insects around you; ultimately they won’t hurt you, but they’re darn irritating.

And if you plan on reading the comments below on this post, I suggest you gird your loins (or, for you Leos, gird your lions), because no doubt there will be a flood of astrologers coming in to leave their little tidbits of silliness. That’s fine; I appreciate it when they do, because it invariably demonstrates that they haven’t actually read my debunking of astrology linked in the first paragraph above, or, if they did read it, they didn’t actually absorb it.

Because if, they did, they’d understand the one single most fundamental thing about their field:

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