Bad Astronomy

I’m giving away Mythbusters swag on Twitter!

[UPDATE: We have a winner! @Pryced got the winning retweet, picked at random. He sent me an acknowledging email, and the package is on its way to him. But don’t fret! More fun giveaways are coming soon…]

I haven’t done a contest in a while, but this one was worth the wait: I have some very cool Mythbusters swag I’m giving away!

Here’s the loot:

To wit:

  • A ginormous Mythbusters swag bag from the San Diego Comic Con 2009,
  • An autographed hardcopy of the cover of the September 2009 Popular Science magazine that had contributions by Jamie Hyneman and My Close Personal Friend Adam Savage™,
  • A t-shirt, size medium (though it’s a bit small for me and I’m average in build, so consider it a small), from Comic Con 2008. The shirt has a drawing of Jamie on the front (with the caption “METHODICAL”) and Adam on the back (“IMPULSIVE”). This shirt is also autographed by both Adam and Jamie. The sleeve has the SDCC and MB logos on it. And…
  • … what the heck: I also have a lot of miscellaneous cool stuff I’ve picked up over time, and I’ll throw a pile of it into the box. Stickers, buttons, things like that.

So how do you win this fabulous prize? Here’s the deal: 0) This contest is free.

1) This contest will be held on Twitter. Unlike in previous contests, leaving comments here will not enter you in the contest.

2) On Wednesday, May 12 at 11:00 a.m. Mountain time (17:00 UT), I posted a tweet that says:

Mythbusters giveaway: pic, bag, & shirt signed by Jamie & Adam! Retweet to enter. Rules: #BAMyth

The #BAMyth hashtag is critical! See #4 below.

3) To enter the contest, you must retweet that tweet.

4) All retweets must be posted between Wednesday, May 12 at 11:00 MDT and Friday, May 14, at 12:00 MDT. After that time, I’ll pick two random numbers, and then search Twitter for all instances of the hashtag #BAMyth. The first random number will be the search page result (using 50 results per page), and the second will be the number of the retweet on the page (1 - 50). That person will then win the Mythbusters swag!

5) Anyone on Earth is eligible, except (to be fair) for people who know me in real life. I’ll leave that up to you to decide if you count or not. People who know me can certainly retweet it, but they cannot win the bounty. Those retweets will count in the random numbers I pick (in other words, if my sister retweets it, I won’t give her the prize, but her RT will be counted in the search results). Please don’t retweet it more than once. That’s a tasing.

6) Just so’s you know, this is not an official Discover Magazine or Discovery Channel or Mythbusters contest. It’s just me playing around and having some fun. I’m doing this out of pocket because I love you guys, and because I figure in some way it’ll net me followers on Twitter, solidify my übernerd status, and eventually let me rule the world. The WORLD! Mwuhahahahaha!

So retweet that tweet, tell your friends, win something cool, and support my global domination. It’s win/win!