Bad Astronomy

Comic BANG!

bangcoverI get a lot of books and such sent to me, and I rarely have time to look them over. It’s a blessing and a curse, I guess. I want to see what everyone else is doing, but I’m doing too much to look!

But I got an email from James Dunbar, asking if I’d look over his rhyming verse comic book called BANG! The Universe Verse. He made it easy, since there’s a small version online I could look through.

I like it! It describes the Big Bang model using simple terms, and goes through the timeline breezily, making it easy to read. Someone unfamiliar with the science will get a passing familiarity with it from reading this, and enough info to go online and find out more.

And if you are familiar with the science, you might get a kick out of the drawings anyway. I really liked this one:

Clever use of visual similes, with the iris resembling an explosion.

BANG! is freely available as an e-book, and you can ping him if you want a PDF. He also sells a bound copy for $10, which is pretty reasonable given he’s self-publishing it.

He’s a talented guy, and I hope he can do more stuff like this. I wonder how many kids he can inspire to get more interested in science?