Bad Astronomy

TAM London followup

TAM London was last month, but has created a lasting impression: Skepchick Rebecca Watson and Neil Denny (from Little Atoms) interviewed a bunch of people at TAML, including speakers and audience members. It’s a fun listen.

Not only that, but there have been lots of followup posts and articles about it:

Skepchick’s Jon Ronson interview (NSFW language in the interview and on the page)

An article in Spanish that I hope is favorable

Crispian Jago

More Little Atoms

Facebook photos!

Merseyside Skeptics

Pictures on Flickr!

Pictures on Picasa!

Hugs and Science

More Crispian Jago

The blog called Using Me!

Hampshire Skeptics: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 (with an awesome pic you’ll know when you see it).

So, will there be a TAM London next year? We can’t say just yet, but we’re looking into it. Stay tuned!