Bad Astronomy

Astronomy and skeptical auctions

Just a reminder: the Ebay auctions for Apollo commemorative memorabilia signed by me and for a private music session with George Hrab end tomorrow (Tuesday) around 21:00 GMT! The winners of the auctions can then purchase TAM London tickets, so if you still want to attend the meeting here’s a great chance, and you win nifty stuff, too.

Also, the fantabulous Pamela Gay has two Galileoscopes for auction on Ebay with the boxes autographed by some celebrities at Dragon*Con: one is signed by the cast of Battlestar Galactica and Felicia Day, and the other by the cast of Ghost Hunters International. I know, I know, but as Pamela points out, the goal here is to get everyone to look at the sky, and maybe, just maybe, if someone who’s a fan of the latter gets a ‘scope, they’ll observe the dark sky and turn away from the dark side.