Bad Astronomy

Tweepin’ at 20k

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As of this moment, I have 19,910 people following me on Twitter. I expect that’ll top 20,000 today or tomorrow.

First, Holy Haleakala! Wow.

JREF Twitter avatar
Second, as you may know I am the President of the James Randi Educational Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the word about skepticism and critical thinking. You can follow the JREF on Twitter, too.

BadAstronomer avatar on Twitter
As it happens, JREF has almost 2000 followers, so the synchronicity is too much to resist. So, when my BadAstronomer account reaches 20,000 tweeps, I will donate $200 to the JREF. It just seems like the right thing to do, since the JREF gets most of its operating costs through donations. When I donate the money I’ll do it through the JREF donation page. I also set up Twitpay for the JREF, so anyone on Twitter can follow suit quickly and easily if you’re signed up for it.

I’m just sayin’.