Bad Astronomy

Help vaccinate Las Vegas!

Joe Abietz
If there are agreed-upon definitions of the word hero, then Joe Albietz must fit many of them. This good-natured, upbeat, intelligent, and skeptical man is a pediatrician who gets up every morning so that he can help – and succeed – in saving the lives of children. I’m proud he’s my friend.

Joe’s written a concise and informative article about the JREF’s vaccine drive in Las Vegas for The Amaz!ng Meeting 7. Vaccinations rates in Vegas were very low due to poverty and a transient population, and their herd immunity to diseases like measles and whooping cough is in serious trouble. Joe came up with the idea of getting donations from the skeptic community to support vaccinations in Vegas, and spearheaded the effort.

For $25 you can support a child to get a full series of vaccinations. You don’t have to attend TAM 7 or do anything else; just send $25 and a child in Vegas will get protected against a raft of potentially life-threatening diseases. And while those children are getting their vaccinations, we will be at TAM 7 talking about how to fight people like Jenny McCarthy, Meryl Dorey, and all the others who are so vocal in making sure that diseases we once stamped out come back with a vengeance.

We know that vaccinations don’t cause autism, and we know they have wiped out smallpox, and put such scourges as polio on the endangered list. Help us, so that we can help others. Go read Joe’s article and see how you can easily support this effort.