Bad Astronomy

Tweeting the NAS

On Tuesday, June 23 (tomorrow!), I’ll be in DC to talk about how the internet and social networks have changed the way we communicate science. The cool thing is, the talk will be at the very prestigious National Academy of Sciences!

The NAS has always been interested in science communication, but the advent of teh toobz has obviously changed the game. A lot of voices advocating reality are rising now that were unheard before, and the web is their (our!) medium. So they asked me to come and talk about this to the staff, and, even better they’ve opened this to the public. Matt Nisbet has scheduling details; my talk is at 12:30 - 1:30 at the NAS building (500 Fifth Street, N.W. DC).

It’s RSVP only, so if you are in the area and want to attend, contact Olive Schwarzschild at oschwarz “at” nas “dot” edu.