Bad Astronomy

Party on 934, Wayne

On Friday night I was interviewed by the lovely Julia Sherred from, and she’s put it up on her site as a podcast. It was a fun interview, with talk about Hubble, NASA, vaccinations, homeopathy, and more. I think it started off a little slow – I decided to talk more slowly and articulate more than usual – but of course I quickly left that all behind and started bubbling over like usual. I really need to settle down during these things, but it’s just too much fun to talk about them… or at least too easy to get inflamed and passionate, like when I get angry at antivaxxers.

Anyway, give it a listen… and you can follow Julia on Twitter to find out who she’ll have on next. Oh– on that same page as the interview she has links to an interview she did with some other blogger too, some guy who still dabbles in writing and I think did some obscure TV show back in the 1990s. Might be worth a listen too.