Bad Astronomy

200,000 year old lunar baloney is still baloney

Now, maybe this is just me, but when I hear that a geologist has claimed to have found a 200,000 year old statue of an angel buried in a Moon rock, my first thought is [name of Penn & Teller’s Showtime program].

My second thought is, who reported this? And when I find out it’s the Weekly World News, well then, duh.

And then my third thought is, no one with a brain even barely sophisticated enough to keep them alive would believe this, right? Right?


Anyway, here’s a tip: when I hear some news story like this (except one that just might have some tiny sliver of plausibility), one thing I do immediately is Google the scientist’s name. In this case, all the links are to this lunar angel story.

Yeah. We’re done.

Incredibly, some of the Google links are from social networks where people are actually taking the claim seriously enough to wonder about it. To them I say: come over to my house. Let’s play poker.

Tip o’ the tin foil beanie to BABloggee Alex Young.