Bad Astronomy

Dragon Con and Gustav

I have interwebs for only a few more minutes, so I’ll just say once again that Dragon*Con has been fantastic, everything I expected and remembered it to be. However, one downside to traveling to the sutheast in August/September is the possibility – and this time, the certainty – of weather. I give thee Hurricane Gustav, currently savaging the Gulf coast and reportedly topping the levees in New Orleans.

A lot of congoers are bugging out early, but it’s still pretty active here. There is one more panel (Skepticism wrap up) and then I get to hang with awesome friends for a while before heading home. I’m guessing that there will be plenty of flight delays today, so it may be that I’ll get to know the Atlanta airport really well. But the storm is heading west, away from here, so while I’m worried for all those in its path, I’m glad that in this case so many people leaving Atlanta will probably not have too many troubles. I’ve had a great time, but I’m itching to go home and give The Little Astronomer all the good swag I got for her here!

And if I get delayed, that’ll give me a chance to finally read Watchmen, which I got yesterday. Shiny.

Picture of Gustav from The Weather Channel.