Bad Astronomy

Sylvia Browne, still exposing herself

Oh, I’ve written about Sylvia Browne before, the woman who preys on the gullible people, vulnerable people who need some comforting after losing a loved one. What Browne does – pretend to speak to the dead – doesn’t help these poor folks at all, and in fact delays the grieving process.

Robert Lancaster, on the other hand, is a hero. He has taken on the mantle of exposing Browne, literally simply showing what it is she does without being mean, nasty, or saying she is a fraud. His site, StopSylviaBrowne, is a remarkable compendium of her antics.

While at The Amaz!ng Meeting 6 last week, Robert and a few others went to see Browne live at a casino. His exploits are now online, and they are a fantastic read. Robert handled himself beautifully (note to Robert: yes, you did do very well, and let her ironically expose her own nastiness).

I wish everyone on the planet would read what Robert’s written, especially the believer in Ms. Browne. Robert is a gentle, quiet, intelligent, and warm man, not at all how Browne would paint him. I suspect she needs to look up the psychological term projection.