Bad Astronomy

AAS press conferences — streamed live!

Pamela and her minions – that includes me – will be streaming video of the press conferences here at the AAS live on the Astronomy Cast UStream channel. I’ve embedded the player below, and I’ll try to post this every day with a schedule so you know when to tune in (the next one is at 11:30 Central time, or 17:30 UT, and it’s on brown dwarfs and planets).

What this means is that you will get the news from the mouths of astronomers at the same time as the press and the rest of the world. So instead of reading my own interpretations of the news, you can read them and compare them to what you heard too.

Streaming Video by Ustream.TV

As usual, you can join the chat room… and if we see a good question, we’ll ask it!