Bad Astronomy

Lab Out Loud interview

I was recently interviewed by Dale Basler and Brian Bartel from Lab Out Loud, a podcast for the National Science Teachers Association, and it’s now online. I was a member of NSTA for several years back when I was doing education workshops at Sonoma State University. They do great work for teachers across the country, equipping them with the science they need to educate students, so I was really happy to do the interview.

We talked about eggs and the equinox, my first and second books, and spent most of our time talking about the need for skepticism, especially in the classroom. I suggest going to their site and taking a look around, or you can download the interview MP3 directly.

Turns out they had a warmup interview with someone else as a prelude, an apertif if you will, for mine, too. Think of it as a calamari appetizer.