Bad Astronomy

The naked signs

Note: I just got home from SpaceFest, and I’m exhausted. I’ll have more on the meeting tomorrow, with some pretty fun pictures, too. Until then, enjoy this.

Obviously, I am no fan of astrology. In fact, it is utter bilge. However, like many other forms of pseudoscience, it can inspire great art. Seeing as how I like art, and I like nudity, how can I resist the Incredible Zodiac?

Yeah, duh, NSFW. But the images of women bodypainted with the zodiacal signs are quite stunning and beautifully done. I suspect one or two are also tongue-in-cheek. Like this one:

Hint: what do rams do? And where is the head of the ram painted?

And I know this is completely hopeless, but let’s try to take the high road in the comments, please? :-)