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Stunt Flying

Pro skateboarders try to keep it together in zero gravity.

Amazing as their stunts are normally, in this video, we get to see what happens when pro skateboarders are freed from the constraints of gravity. Skateboard legend Tony Hawk and Aaron “Jaws” Homoki mount the ramp of a jet, charged up and ready to go.

The flight begins at the equivalent of Martian gravity, where the guys have a third of their weight on Earth. Jumping is awesomely easy—landing, um, not so much. By the time they reach the moon, gravitationally speaking, they’re starting to get things under control (albeit with only one-sixth of their normal body weight). 

When it’s time for their “dream list of tricks,” as Hawk calls it, it all goes horribly, hilariously wrong. “I have so many ideas, but once you’re weightless, you forget what to do,” he says. “Except to just enjoy it.”