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Saving a Vulnerable Baby Sea Turtle Is a Tough, Delicate Process

It is also very cute.

Meet the adorably named BB, star of the above video from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. BB is a baby Hawksbill sea turtle recently taken in by the aquarium. And BB is adorable.

The winter waters had left BB cold stunned, a kind of hypothermic reaction, symptoms of which include decreased heart rate, decreased circulation, and lethargy. The juvenile turtle could have gone into shock, or gotten pneumonia, or, under the worst circumstances, died. Luckily, BB was rescued by the aquarium just in time and is now in their care.

In the video, aquarium workers remove a large amount of barnacles from BB’s shell. Then there’s a bath and toothbrush-aided intervention. Afterward, the patient sea turtle gets tucked into a towel bed. After all of that, BB, sporting a name tag, enjoys a much-deserved swim in a kiddie pool. A tough childhood, but a happy ending.