Foursquare check-ins map of New York City, Chicago, San Francisco.

A Year of NYC Foursquare Check-ins, Compressed Into a Mesmerizing 32 Second Video

A Year of NYC Foursquare Check-ins, Compressed Into a Mesmerizing 32 Second Video

A partnership of Slate and the New America Foundation.
Sept. 27 2013 12:18 PM

A Year of NYC Foursquare Check-ins

Compressed into a mesmerizing and gorgeous 32-second video.

Foursquare has uploaded new videos to its Vimeo account that illustrate the “pulse” of major cities, including New York, Chicago, San Francisco, London, Tokyo, and Istanbul, by plotting a year of check-ins over a 24-hour period.

Check-ins are represented by dots, and each is colored according to the category of the place. For example, orange dots are stores, green dots are restaurants, and blue dots are nightclubs.

In the resulting animations, the cities appear like living things, inhaling and exhaling commuters and cooling from a orange-green to blue as their denizens gravitate to nightclubs. It’s a strangely mesmerizing effect.


Foursquare released a similar video for New York when Hurricane Sandy hit.

Chris Kirk is a web developer at New York magazine and Slate’s former interactives editor. Follow him on Twitter.