Troubleshooting and Other How-To for Slate Plus Members.

Troubleshooting and Other How-To for Slate Plus Members

Troubleshooting and Other How-To for Slate Plus Members

Slate Plus
Your all-access pass
March 16 2014 1:00 AM

Slate Plus How-to Videos

Troubleshooting and other how-to for Slate Plus members.

How Slate Plus securely processes credit card transactions.

TRANSCRIPT: This is Doug Harris, I’m the Chief Architect at Slate magazine. I know there’s been some concern expressed about the credit card fields appearing on a page that is apparently not using HTTPS. If you look at the address bar, there is no “https” there.

What I want to show you is that the part which captures the credit card is loaded over HTTPS and therefore your credit card data are secure. If we look here at the credit card field in Firefox, using standard developer tools, we can inspect this element and it is shown here that this input is the credit card number. This is embedded in a separately loaded iframe and you can see the source of the page which loads this is loaded over https on a different URL.

When credit card data are submitted, they are sent to a third-party payment provider and your credit card data are not stored by Slate itself. Your credit card data are always sent over HTTPS. I assure you that entering your credit card information at Slate is a very safe thing to do and I hope that you enjoy Slate Plus.

Thank you.