Slate Fare

Give the Gift of Slate Plus

The perfect gift for the Slate fan in your life—and a great way to support independent journalism.

An illustration of colorful people sharing gifts.
Illustration by Slate

Share everything you love about Slate Plus with another Slate fan: gift them a membership!

As Slate celebrates its 25th anniversary, our work is more important than ever. Each subscription you give helps Slate continue to produce high-quality reporting, political commentary, and criticism.

Gifts come in six-month and one-year subscriptions, and all include:

• Unlimited articles on and in the Slate iOS app and Apple News. Read as much as you want, wherever you want.

• Extended episodes of many of your favorite Slate podcasts, plus subscriber exclusive episodes of Slow Burn and Hit Parade. And listen ad-free.

• More of your favorite advice: Three exclusive columns from Dear Prudence every week, and more advice from Care and Feeding every day. And only Slate Plus members get to hear another episode weekly from the How to Do It and Big Mood, Little Mood advice podcasts.

• The Slate Plus Digest, our member-exclusive newsletter with news from Slate and reading recommendations from around the web.

Ready to give a gift membership to the Slate fan in your life? Start here. It’s quick, easy, and secure.

Questions about gifting or about Slate Plus? Here are some answers to common questions.

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